

Lakofka, Lenard. 1981 L1 The Secret of Bone Hill. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, Inc.
      A gazeteer of the village of Restenford and the vicinity.  The text, maps, and cover art but no interior illustrations can be found at RPG Archive.

Lakofka, Lenard. 1983 L2 Assassins Knot. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR, Inc.
     Includes maps and gazetteer for the town and environs of Garrotten, a village south of Restenford, and record of events pertaining to Restenford.

Peck, W. Jason. 1998  "Priestly Secrets: Something's rotten in Restenford!" Dungeon #71 November/December 1998. Volume XII, Number 5.

The Acaeum: Dungeons & Dragons Knowledge Compendium