
Prominent Denizens of Lendore

Fairwind, Priest (3rd level Cleric). Fairwind is married to the incompetent and insipid Grellus, making her the Baroness of Restenford. A lawful woman in a chaotic town, she holds both her husband and the barony in equal disdain and is scheming to flee with her lover Yalta as soon as she can find the treasury under the castle. She enjoys gardening with her daughter Andrella.

Faldelac, High Priest (10th level Cleric).  He is a slender chap who lives in a remote, nigh impregnable compound at the center of the Dweomer Forest which ostensibly functions as a casino/hermitage dedicated to an unnamed "Master of Lots" and "God of Chance." Though rumored to be an honorable man and a useful source of information about goings on in the vicinity, in truth he is a hedonist who is dedicated to free love and knows little--and cares even less--about what is happening at Bone Hill or Restenford, so go away.  He possesses a cursed amulet and has several extremely attractive followers.

Grellus, Champion (7th level Fighter). The Baron of Restenford, he appears to be a formidable fighter though, despite his strength and skill, he fails to assert his authority and reclaim his tower from the sorcerer Pelltar.  A tightwad and an inept administrator, he hoards the treasury of the realm in a hideout whose location is known only to him, and refuses to shed a single coin for municipal improvements or public safety.  Nobody likes him and even less people respect his authority; not even his daughter.  His only friend is a djinn who lives in the dungeons under the castle and is named after a comedian. It should be noted that his castle is actually a squalid little double-wide trailer that he bought at auction after a tornado ripped through Kroten County Trailer Park a few years ago.

Pelltar, Sorcerer (9th level Magic User). A councilor to the baron, he owns several properties including a house in town, the tower at the Baron's castle, and a warehouse packed full of valuable merchandise. A paranoiac and a misanthrope, all of his properties are heavily guarded, locked and/or trapped by mechanical and supernatural means. He even employs the undead to protect his tower at the castle. The citizens of Restenford generally fear him and question the degree of influence he has over Grellus. Your classic mean old man, he has three apprentices who claim to be loyal to the man, though this loyalty is based on fear of his wrath rather than devotion. He prefers to spend his free time using his crystal ball to keep up on the action at Faldelac's love palace.

Welcar, Hero (4th level Fighter).  Despite his aged appearance, Welcar is widely regarded as a tough customer not to be crossed. Pelltar has hired him to watch over his warehouse and given him a couple of hounds to help out. Welcar has also been the benefactor of at least one cover-up handled by the sorcerer; see the lynching episode for more on that. It is rumored that Welcar was a compatriot of Pelltar's during his adventuring days and--for reasons one can only ponder--the sorcerer does not want this information made public. When off duty, he can usually be found at one or the other of the taverns in town.




